go on

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


go on

  1. syntyä, ilmaantua, kehkeytyä, saada alkunsa, tapahtua, mennä, sujua, sattua, pitää, käydä, seurata, olla tuloksena, tulla väliin.

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syttyä, käynnistyä (&lit)

In order to get to town, I decided to go on the bus

The partys called for five o'clock, and the cutlery still needs to go on the table!''

To continue in extent.

The meeting seemed to go on forever.

To continue an action.

I think Ive said enough now; I'm not sure I should go on.''

He went on walking even when the policeman told him to stop.

To proceed.

He went on to win a gold medal.

To talk about a subject frequently or at length|at great length.

Will you stop going on about your stupid holiday.

2002, w:Jane Green (author)|Jane Green, Bookends, 2003 trade paperback edition, ISBN 0767907817, page 67:
"I don't believe you." I shake my head. "How on earth did you remember that? I must have told you years ago."(..)
"First of all, you go on about it far more than you think you do,(..)."
To use and adopt (information) in order to understand an issue, make a decision, etc.

We cant go on what this map says; it's twenty years out of date.''

I didnt make a decision because I didn't have anything to go on.''

To happen (gloss).

Whats going on?!''

I really dont want to know what goes on between you and your boyfriend behind closed doors.''

Expresses surprise, disbelief or incredulity.

A: He asked Fiona to marry him.

B: Go on!

A: Its true, I swear.''


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